HOW you do something is equal to or greater than WHAT you do in today's Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Conflictive, Ambiguous (VUCCA) World. Especially, your ability to lead a collective of individuals as they experience Self-Realization to Self-Actualization (SR2SA), following the 1) proven formula, 2) mandatory sequence every person, team, department & organization must follow, and 3) required leadership style
When you vocalize your thoughts or ideas for change, or go further by having a discussion regarding change, have you noticed an increase in people automatically going negative, having a visceral reaction, try to avoid or even cancel you, the idea, or conversation?
I do. This is why it is so important that you approach change using a proven process and supporting methods
When you look into the mirror, at your team, or organization, do you like what you see? Can you see the good, the bad, and the ugly? For over two (2) decades I have been growing and transforming world leading individuals and their organizations to be the best they can be. I am here to help, and would love to help you on your journey too. To begin, your starting lesson is to realize that your inner self, your soul looking back at you from the mirror is the one responsible for your success, no one else, simply YOU... "Let the Transformation Journey begin"
"Growing our next generation of leaders, setting up these future leaders for success, is one of the most important responsibilities of today's leaders".... how are you paying it forward? - john ruppel
Understanding we are all extremely busy in today’s hectic and fast pace world, I just wanted to say “Thank You” for taking your time to review my information and learn about how I can help you with your Leadership and Transformation needs.